Venkys Thromb Beat syrup is a blend of herbs like Carica papaya and Tinospora cardifolia with folic acid and Vit B12 which is helpful in the management of low platelet count and anemia. Active form of Carica papaya regulate the ALOX 12 & PTAFR gene thereby leading to an increased production of megakaryocytes & its conversion into Platelets.
Composition : Papaya Leaf Extract + Tinospora cardiofolia + Withinia somnifera + Elemental Iron + Folic Acid + Copper + Cobalt + Vitamin B12 + Vitamin C
Class : Platelet booster
Boosting platelets count
Thrombocytopenia during Tick fever (Haemoprotozon infection eg. Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis)
Supportive in the treatment of Chemotherapy
Supportive in the treatment of fever and flu
– Acts as immunomodulator
– Improves liver & kidney function
Directions for use:
As recommended by the veterinarian.
Suitable for Dogs and Cats
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